Tuesday, February 3, 2015

"Yes, We Can" analysis

The video in a medium of upbringing and hopeful music gives a good look into a way to bring Obama's message to more audiences. Instead of a man on a podium, we have the song on a radio being listened to without a need to see, without a need to move or do much save for listening. The video also applies its own ways of how the speech could have gone better, to "bring equality" in a more powerful manner than just Obama speaking and shouting on television or audio books. It also makes it memorable in that people tend to remember songs more than conversations.

To really branch out was a great step to more people and even to further reinforce the argument. Though I believe the argument itself should have been directed towards all instead of just one demographic, the video gives a more in depth and clear depiction than the speech had originally. So ultimately, music is the way the viewer is brought in by first listening to a catchy tune, and only soon after realizing that it's a statement, and quite a deep statement it is. The conversation though, could have gone to be more convincing in Rhetoric by considering the opposition before throwing their own ideals in my face.

-Note for Teacher: This was in my Drafts section and I forgot about it.

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